Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research

27645 - Business Growth Strategies

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27645 - Business Growth Strategies
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Program development and achieving the established learning objectives require continued work of the student throughout the course around the following activities:

- Recommended attendance to the sessions

- Reading and study of bibliographical material indicated in each subject

- Regular and careful realization of exercises and case studies throughout proposed

- Real company case

- Consultation of doubts and difficulties encountered in the study of different materials

For better use of classes it is recommended that the student conduct a first reading of the bibliographic material of each chapter prior to the explanation in class of the item as well as a more careful reading after the explanation.

5.2. Learning tasks

Basic teaching resources:

- In the theorical sessions: clear exposures.

- Practical sessions: practical exercises.

- Each student, if possible in a group, will develop a Business Plan of a company

5.3. Syllabus

Chapter 1. The New Economy

1.1. Where are we from?

1.2. Where are we going?

Chapter 2: Analysis of business environment

2.1. The process of drafting the Strategy

2.2. External and Internal Analysis of the Organizations

2.3. Diagnostic Techniques

2.3.1. The value chain

2.3.2. Benchmarking

2.3.3. SWOT analysis

Chapter 3: Strategies targeted to Business Model

3.1. The value proposition and business model

3.2. The cost value proposition

3.3. The value proposition focused on differentiation

3.4. The value proposition in technology-intensive sectors. Innovation Management

Chapter 4: Organizational Strategies

4.1. Growth and development strategies

4.2. Vertical Integration

4.3. Diversification strategies

Chapter 5: Other growth strategies

5.1. The internal and external development

5.2. Relational strategies

5.3. Globalization and new organizational models